two businesswomen looking at an ipad sitting in office chairs and an office wooden meeting table with a brick wall behind them.

Data for Better Decisions and Better Results: Nonprofit Performance Management

Our report to help you choose which metrics to measure and why, how to collect, store, and analyze data, and create a culture of data within your nonprofit.

You want to improve your nonprofit programs. But where do you start?

Trusting wholly in your instincts is limiting and can open the door to harmful bias. There’s a better way to make decisions: use your experience to ask the questions data decisions cover but use data to find the answers. 

Download this report to learn:

  • How to choose the metrics you want to measure by connecting them to your mission and goals.
  • How to collect and store data.
  • The types of tools you can use to analyze the data and share findings.
  • How to create a “data culture” within your nonprofit

You’ll also find case studies of organizations that have integrated data into their work. 

Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, it’s free to download.

Download Our Report

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